
Critical Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Teleport ($21,000)

Teleport | Report #2281075 | HackerOne Link to YouTube Video 259 #2281075 Copy report id Copy report id access list owner can escalate his role to the highest roles Add Hacker summary Timeline · export moaz219 submitted a report to Teleport . December 11, 2023, 6:28pm UTC Menu Menu Summary: Go to []. Create a new access list and add a role to "Roles Granted," e.g., "reviewer" role. Add a user as the Access List Owner. The user, as the Access List Owner, can escalate the role of the list to higher roles, thereby escalating their own account's role. This is a prohibited procedure, as stated here , that Owners are not able to control what roles and traits are granted by the Access List. Steps To Reproduce: From Organization Owner Account: Go to []. Create a new access list. Add a user as List Owner. Add a role to "R